Chain of Custody Management

urine samples

The entire drug testing process would be pointless if it wasn’t conducted using a strict chain of Custody. It’s important for both the employees being tested and the company who have requested the test that results are 100% verifiable and can be accurately tracked back to the sample donor without any question of where the results originated from.

It’s also important to track the sample along the transportation process so that any suggestion of tampering becomes irrefutable, we ensure this by implementing a number of strict protocols throughout the sample collection process:

  • The Collection officer will ask the donor to provide photographic Identification such as a driving licence or passport.
  •  A barcode sticker that’s unique to the donor is placed on both the sample container and the associated paperwork.
  •  A tamper proof seal is also attached to the specimen container.
  •  The donor is finally asked to check that the barcode on the container is the same as the paperwork and then asked to sign the associated paperwork.
  • The sample is then securely transported to the Laboratory.
  • At the laboratory the sample is checked for any sign of tampering, the barcode on the sample and associated paperwork is scanned. This barcode identifiable number is then used to track the sample along the screening process.
  • Our laboratory also follows a chain of custody and will provide (UKAS) accredited Laboratory results.

Court Disputes

By following a strict chain of custody, results can be deemed fully legally defensible in the event of a court dispute. Similarly to how evidence is carefully handled to prevent any tampering and contamination to successfully make a criminal conviction in the UK legal system. The same care is taken to protect the company who have issued the test in the event that an employee wants to contest the results. If a court dispute did arise we can also supply an expert witness who can testify and explain the results in court. Essentially we believe that both employees and company’s need be represented fairly and truthfully therefore you should always use a drug testing company that uses a strict chain of custody that ensures undisputable results.